
Zoe Lyons: Entry Level Human

Yn westai rheolaidd ar 'Mock The Week', 'Live At The Apollo', 'The News Quiz', 'Just A Minute', 'The Now Show' a gyda’i rhaglen ei hun ar y gweill ar Radio 4, mae’n ymddangos fod gan Zoe Lyons ryw fath o syniad beth mae’n gwneud gyda’i byw ŷd. Neu ai camsyniad yw hynny? Neu ai’r esiampl berffaith o Fod Dynol Lefel Mynediad ydyw?

Penderfynwch drosoch chi eich hun, wrth i’r comedïwr hynod boblogaidd ddychwelyd gyda chyfres newydd o 'quick-fire observational gags, delivered with utter conviction' (Chortle), heb sôn am 'proper laugh-out-loud one-liners' (The Herald). Ac mae ganddi ' what it takes to delight any crowd'. Mae hwnna o’r Guardian. Ych chi’n mynd i ddadlau â nhw? Na, peidiwch ag ateb hynny. Yn hytrach, dewch i weld Zoe i ddarganfod yr ateb.

Ffotograffydd: Mark Vessey 


Entry Level Human is 'just hit after hit after hit from a stand-up who's very much operating at advanced level.
If you think she is hilarious behind a panel-show desk, just wait till she gets on a live stage. Entry Level Human is a supremely classy piece of comedy writing.

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