Susan Adams: Welcome Machine @ Oriel Mwldan

Susan Adams uses a variety of media including painting, printmaking, polychromed wood-carving and video. She Studied painting at the Slade and Norwich School of Art, also Electronic Art at Middlesex University. Currently teaching at Cardiff Metropolitan University, she has lectured widely and held a number of prestigious Artist in Residency positions including those at Gloucester Cathedral, Millay Colony for the Arts New York, Welsh National Opera, Bardsey Island and Shaftesbury Abbey.

“Hermit saints who journeyed to the wilderness in the hope of hearing a truly meaningful ‘voice from above’ have long been of interest to me; it was looking for a contemporary equivalent that led me to work on a project with people who hear voices. One of the voice-hearers said that “hearing voices feels like picking up peoples’ thoughts on the ether”. This struck me as highly relevant to the age of mobile phones and the internet as we are now all transmitters and receivers of information, invisible information that comes from the sky” Susan Adams.


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